Episode 46

5 keys to fat loss you may not have thought of


March 1st, 2024

34 mins 37 secs

Your Host

About this Episode

When one decides to embark on a fat loss journey, diet and exercise often come to mind first.Though nutrition and exercise are two of the greatest players in weight management, (with nutrition being number one) there are other factors that play key roles in one's fat loss journey. In this episode, Pivot dietitian coach Samantha Ferguson and I dive into each of these factors: relentless consistency, discipline (vs willpower), mental satisfaction, patience and having an exit strategy.

While these may seem mundane or perhaps obvious, you won't regret listening to our elaborations and personal experiences, especially if you've been struggling on your own fat loss journey.

Host: Danielle Rancourt, MS, RD, CSSD, LD

Connect with Dani on Instagram or by visiting her website at pivotnutritioncoaching.com

Samantha Ferguson, MS, RD