Episode 19

Feeling better at 64 than at 50! Ann Bailey's success story


January 13th, 2023

18 mins 31 secs

Your Host

About this Episode

In less than 1 year, Pivot Nutrition Coaching client Ann lost over 40 lbs and feels 15 years younger. Best part is, she never tracked a calorie or felt like she was on a diet! How did she do it? Tune in and find out the simple habits that made a big difference!

Danielle (Dani) Rancourt is a registered dietitian, certified sports dietitian and CEO of Pivot Nutrition Coaching.

Instagram: @dani_the_rd
Website: pivotnutritioncoaching.com
Free Facebook Community: Pivot Nutrition & Fitness

But First Pivot Podcast
Need more help than a podcast can offer? Dani and her team of dietitians offer customized, 1:1 nutrition coaching to help you improve your health, performance, relationship with food and achieve your body composition goals in a sustainable way.

Click here to book a free call to see if you'd be a good fit for Pivot Nutrition Coaching.