Episode Archive
69 episodes of But first, Pivot. since the first episode, which aired on August 26th, 2022.
Episode 45: 7 things my social media manager learned working for an RD
February 5th, 2024 | 42 mins 27 secs
healthy habits, lifestyle change, meal planning, protein
Episode 44: Lauren's story: Ditching the all-or-nothing (perfectionist) mindset for sustainable habits
January 8th, 2024 | 36 mins 14 secs
fat loss, habits, healthy habits, mindset, new year, new year's resolutions, weight loss
Every New Year, Lauren would tell herself that this is the year she's going to lose weight and be healthy. It never happened. After shifting her mindset and making small, sustainable changes to her nutrition and exercise, Lauren is feeling the best she's felt in years!
Episode 43: Jodi's success story: from hopeless and stuck to empowered and confident!
December 15th, 2023 | 43 mins 16 secs
fat loss, mindset, transformation, women’s health
Episode 41: 10 tips to help you avoid a Thanksgiving food coma and feel your best this holiday season
November 20th, 2023 | 35 mins 12 secs
fat loss, food coma, holidays, mindset, thanksgiving
Dietitian tips to improve your mindset and stay in line with your goals during the holiday season
Episode 40: Niccole's success story: fat loss, mindset and athletic comeback
November 6th, 2023 | 47 mins 42 secs
athlete, fat loss transformation, oklahoma oblivion, soccer, women's health
When Niccole reached out in September 2022, she didn't feel like herself physically and mentally. In this episode, Niccole shares her accomplishments as well as the challenges she faced during her transformative year in the pivot nutrition coaching program.
Episode 39: Understanding PCOS with Priscilla Barnes, RN, BSN
October 23rd, 2023 | 36 mins 11 secs
blood sugar, diabetes, fertility, pcos, women's health
In this episode, registered nurse and nutrition coach Priscila Barnes shares her own experience with PCOS as well as ways to manage this common condition.
Episode 38: "What can I do to boost my metabolism?"
October 2nd, 2023 | 39 mins 28 secs
dieting, fat loss, maintenance calories, metabolism, muscle building, reverse diet
Do you feel like your metabolism is slow or broken? In this episode, women's health dietitian Carolyn Krueskamp and I dissect what metabolism is plus factors that negatively and positively impact metabolism.
Episode 37: Protein, Carbs & Fats Simplified + Example Day
September 18th, 2023 | 15 mins 41 secs
carbs, fats, healthy meals, macros, protein
Episode 36: Why is protein a game changer?
September 4th, 2023 | 38 mins 5 secs
blood sugar balance, body recomposition, fat loss, macros, muscle building, protein, weight loss
Protein has so many benefits yet most people still aren't consuming enough protein! Find out why protein is important, which foods are good sources of protein and how much protein to consume based on your goals.
Episode 35: Why do carbs have a bad reputation?
August 21st, 2023 | 44 mins 27 secs
carbs, diabetes, fat loss, keto, keto diet, low carb, weight loss
Episode 34: Does eating fat make you fat?
August 7th, 2023 | 36 mins 35 secs
body fat, fats, fatty acid, omega 3, weight gain
Episode 33: "Should I do a 3-day cleanse/detox to lose weight fast?"
July 24th, 2023 | 14 mins 11 secs
cleanse, detox, fasting, juicing, postpartum weight loss, quick weight loss
About a month ago my friend texted me a picture of this 3-day cleanse that helped her sister's friend lose 8 lbs. Though quick weight loss can be tempting, it's not a long term solution. In this episode, I share my response and how to support your body's natural detoxification process.